Tag: Stocks
Cornerstones of our Portfolio
Over the past few days, I got our new account, “Big Bad Baa!” all set up with Level 1 options permissions at Fidelity. I started this account with a small amount of initial funding ($50,000.) Earlier today I made an initial four purchases. I plan for these to serve as cornerstones of our new and…
What is an investment?
So you’re wondering what an investment is all about? Think of it like planting a seed. You put something (money, in this case) into the ground, hoping it will grow into something bigger and better. That’s essentially what investing is. Instead of burying cash in your backyard (which, by the way, isn’t a great investment!),…
What is a stock?
A basic question that often comes from novice investors is “What is a stock? Why would I want one?” The answer to “what is a stock?” is that a stock represents partial ownership in a company, giving the stockholder a claim on the company’s earnings and assets. When you buy a stock, you’re essentially purchasing a…