Discover Our Mission and Vision for Future Success
Mission and Guiding Principles
Our mission: The initial mission of the Warner-Gushulak Family Trust is to keep our family connected, to be grateful for our good fortune, and to share our journey with others who may become interested.
Our audacious goal is to eventually sponsor and fund a branch or clinic of an existing cancer treatment center.

Guiding Principles
- We have adopted the goal to make our family rich.
- We are committed to saving first, and spending only what’s left over.
- Open a brokerage account now, if you haven’t already.
- Invest only in Dividend Champions (DC) unless you have a special expertise and interest, but then only invest in moderation.
- Never buy a DC directly if you can sell a put instead. Always sell a put on a day when a particular DC drops a lot and with a strike price lower than the current price. The exception is if you do not have enough cash to cover the put. Then go ahead and buy one or a few shares.
- Start thinking of your investments as having and managing a second, part-time job, which is to run your asset management business. Visit, patronize, and recommend your businesses to others.
- Invest in continuing education. No matter whether in college, on the job, or just in personal projects, always be learning something new.
- After you’ve bought a DC, never sell unless it fails to increase its dividend, and sell immediately if the dividend is cut.
- Engage your family in your asset management business and pay them if they get involved and are productive.
- Take all your dividends from DCs in Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs).
- Move to the (virtual) rich neighborhood. The mind associates the people you see with who you will become.
- Forget the idea of retirement. Your lifetime job will be to manage your family’s asset management business.
Adapted from: Keogh, Patrick J.. Make Your Family Rich: Why to Replace Retirement Planning with Succession Planning. Highbridge LLC. Kindle Edition.